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Target Angus Fire Hose | Firehose | Selang Pemadam Kebakaran

Update Terakhir
01 / 08 / 2023
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


Rp. 123
BITFIRE INDONESIA adalah Perusahaan Penyedia Barang, Jasa Konsultan dan Kontraktor di bidang Mekanikal Elektrikal Sistem, termasuk bidang Pencegahan Bahaya Kebakaran, Kesehatan & Keselamatan Kerja ( K-3) dan Sistem keamanan kerja. BITFIRE Indonesia menyediakan Produk dan Layanan unggulan yang dapat diterapkan untuk Industri Minyak dan Gas.

Detail Target Angus Fire Hose | Firehose | Selang Pemadam Kebakaran

Applications - Building protection - General industry - Municipal fire services - Petrochemical plants - Airports - Military - Power plants - Harbours and jetties - Shipping * BS 6391 Type 3 construction * Maintenance free * Excellent weathering resistance * Lightweight * Good heat resistanc Outstanding performance Strong yet lightweight, Angus Target Covered Hose has superior heat and wear characteristics due to its all-in-one construction. Resistant to abrasion, chemicals, oil, weathering, ultraviolet and ozone. Value for money Exceptional robustness and storage properties ensure Angus Target Fire Hose remains in operational service years after imitation products have proven to be false economies. Low maintenance Covered hose construction means that Angus Target can be wiped down after use and returned to storage without the need for drying. These excellent features ensure Angus Target outperforms all types of conventional hose. Angus Fire quality and experience Angus Fire’ s reputation for quality and performance is built into every length of Angus Target Hose. Manufactured under BS EN ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Management Systems, all stages of production and testing are controlled by Angus Fire. Construction Angus Target Fire Hose features a circular woven all-synthetic high performance textile reinforcement, totally encapsulated in a specially formulated high grade synthetic rubber. Each length is manufactured under the controls of our BS EN ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Management System and to comply with the requirements of BS 6391: 2009. All raw materials are fully tested and inspected to ensure product quality, reliability and consistent performance.
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