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Sell Fire Alarm Bell Murah

Update Terakhir
30 / 09 / 2024
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


BITFIRE INDONESIA adalah Perusahaan Penyedia Barang, Jasa Konsultan dan Kontraktor di bidang Mekanikal Elektrikal Sistem, termasuk bidang Pencegahan Bahaya Kebakaran, Kesehatan & Keselamatan Kerja ( K-3) dan Sistem keamanan kerja. BITFIRE Indonesia menyediakan Produk dan Layanan unggulan yang dapat diterapkan untuk Industri Minyak dan Gas.

Detail Sell Fire Alarm Bell Murah

Master Control Fire Alarm

Master Control Fire Alarm

Description : * UL APPROVED * HIGH dbA OUTPUT * LOW POWER CONSUMPTION AVAILABLE IN 6” , 8” , 10” HOUSING * QUICKLY AND EASILY INSTALLED INSTALLATION NOTE : 1. Remove the gong. 2. Wire the bell in the circuit. 3. Mount bell mechanism on 4" square standard outlet box with the striker facing down. 4. Remove a gong. 5. The bell must be mounted a minimum of 8ft., above the floor, or, as close to the ceiling as possible. 6. Polarized bell provides Red( -) and Black( -) lead wires. When you install the bell, must be observed the polarity. Features : BASIC MECHANISM AND GONGS / INSTALLATION / Specification : MODEL : * HC-624B 6" CONG SIZE Voltage : 24 VDC Rated Current : 20mA Sound level AT10 FT db : 95 * HC-824B 8" CONG SIZE Voltage : 24 VDC Rated Current : 20mA Sound level AT10 FT db : 83 * HC-1024B 10" CONG SIZE Voltage : 24 VDC Rated Current : 20mA Sound level AT10 FT db : 85

fire alarm system
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