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HC-624B | HC-824B | HC-1024B Fire Alarm Bell - Motor Driven

Update Terakhir
09 / 12 / 2024
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


Rp. 123
BITFIRE INDONESIA adalah Perusahaan Penyedia Barang, Jasa Konsultan dan Kontraktor di bidang Mekanikal Elektrikal Sistem, termasuk bidang Pencegahan Bahaya Kebakaran, Kesehatan & Keselamatan Kerja ( K-3) dan Sistem keamanan kerja. BITFIRE Indonesia menyediakan Produk dan Layanan unggulan yang dapat diterapkan untuk Industri Minyak dan Gas.

Detail HC-624B | HC-824B | HC-1024B Fire Alarm Bell - Motor Driven

Description : * UL APPROVED * HIGH dbA OUTPUT * LOW POWER CONSUMPTION AVAILABLE IN 6” , 8” , 10” HOUSING * QUICKLY AND EASILY INSTALLED INSTALLATION NOTE : 1. Remove the gong. 2. Wire the bell in the circuit. 3. Mount bell mechanism on 4" square standard outlet box with the striker facing down. 4. Remove a gong. 5. The bell must be mounted a minimum of 8ft., above the floor, or, as close to the ceiling as possible. 6. Polarized bell provides Red( -) and Black( -) lead wires. When you install the bell, must be observed the polarity. Features : BASIC MECHANISM AND GONGS / INSTALLATION / Specification : MODEL : * HC-624B 6" CONG SIZE Voltage : 24 VDC Rated Current : 20mA Sound level AT10 FT db : 95 * HC-824B 8" CONG SIZE Voltage : 24 VDC Rated Current : 20mA Sound level AT10 FT db : 83 * HC-1024B 10" CONG SIZE Voltage : 24 VDC Rated Current : 20mA Sound level AT10 FT db : 85

fire alarm system
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